Saturday, 18 July 2015

Formatting Excel Sparklines

Formatting Excel Sparklines

In the last lesson, you saw how to add a Sparkline to a cell. In this lesson, you'll learn how to format your Sparklines.

You can liven up your Sparklines by clicking on the Design ribbon at the top of Excel. You'll then see five panels: Sparkline, Type, Show, Style, and Group. To add markers to your Sparkline, click on the Show panel. Check the box for Markers:
Adding Markers to a Sparkline
When you check the Markers box, your Sparklines will look like this:
Sparkline Markers
You can change the style of your Sparkline via the Style panel on the Design ribbon:
Sparkline Styles
Expand the Style options by clicking the down arrow in the bottom right:
Expanding the Style panel
Select a style that takes your fancy:
Select a Sparkline Style

Changing the Colour of Sparklines

You can change the colour of your Sparkline by clicking the Sparkline Color option on the Style panel:
The Sparkline Color  option
You'll then see a dropdown list of colour options:
Colour list
As well as selecting a colour, you can change the thickness of your Sparkline by clicking the Weight option at the bottom:
Line weights
The Marker colours can be changed, too. Click on Marker Color, just below Sparkline Color. Expand the Markers option:
Changing the Sparkline marker colour
Select a colour for your markers. Click More Colors for an expanded colour palette.
You can change the Sparkline type from the Design tab, too. Click on the Type panel, then Column:
The Column Sparkline option
Your Sparklines will then look like this:
Column Sparklines
Click back on the Line option, if you don't like Columns.
When you format the background cell from the Home ribbon, you can really bring your Sparklines to life:
Formatted Sparklines
Sparklines give you a nice visual representation of your data. From the Sparklines above, you can quickly see that Lisa is progressing well, and that John's scores are plummeting rapidly. We need a word with this boy!

In the next section, we'll move on to Formulas in excel.


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