Tag | Explanation | Attribute | Options |
<H1>, <H2>, <H3> ... <H6> | Heading Tags |
<P> | Start a new paragraph | | |
<BR> | Single line break | | |
<B> | Bold text | | |
<I> | Italics | | |
<OL> | Ordered List | TYPE | A (Capitals) a (Lowercase) I (Capital Roman Numerals) i (Lowercase Roman Numerals) 1 (Numbers) |
<UL> | Unordered List | TYPE | Circle, Disc, Square |
<LI> | An item for your list | | |
CSS Font and Text Properties
CSS Property | Example Value | Other Values |
text-align: | center | Left, Right |
font-family: | Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif | |
font-size: | 16px | |percent |em |xx-large, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, smaller, larger |
font-style: | italic | normal (the default), oblique |
font-variant: | small-caps | |
font-weight: | Bold | Bolder | Lighter | Any number from 100 to 900 |
Color: | Red | A colour name, Hexadecimal value, RGB Value |
CSS borders, backgrounds, margins, padding
CSS Property | CSS Value |
border-style | dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset |
border-width | A pixel value like 2px |
border-color | A colour value |
background-color | A colour value |
background-image | url('my_image_name.gif'); |
background-repeat | repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat |
background-position | top left, top center, top right, center left, center center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right |
clear | left, right , both , none |
float | right, left , none |
margin | A pixel value like 5px |
margin-left | A pixel value like 5px |
margin-right | A pixel value like 5px |
margin-top | A pixel value like 5px |
margin-bottom | A pixel value like 5px |
padding | A pixel value like 5px |
CSS used in the Positioning section
CSS Property | CSS Value | Explanation |
/* */ | A colour | CSS comment - more than one line |
// | A colour | CSS comment - one line |
position: | relative, absolute, fixed | Types of positioning |
top | A pixel value | Position an element on the page |
bottom | A pixel value | Position an element on the page |
left | A pixel value | Position an element on the page |
right | A pixel value | Position an element on the page |
z-index | A numerical value | Used to stack elements one behind the other |
float | left, right | Float an element left or right |
clear | left, right, both | Clear a floated element |
Images and DIVs
HTML Tag | Attributes |
DIV | |
HTML | Explanation | Attributes | Options |
A HREF | The HTML for a hyperlink | TARGET | _blank _parent _self _top |
| | Mailto: | An email address |
A ID | Jump to a section of your page, a bookmark | | |
HTML5 Layout Tags
HTML5 Tag | Comments |
HEADER | Used for the heading of any section |
NAV | Used for a navigation area |
SECTION | Used for a section of your web page |
ARTICLE | Used for an article in a section of your web page |
FOOTER | Used for the footer area |
HTML and HTML5 Table tags | Explanation |
TABLE | Create a table |
TR | Create a row in a table |
TD | Create a cell in a table |
THEAD | HTML5 Table header |
TFOOT | HTML5 Table footer |
TBODY | HTML5 Table body |
TABLE Attributes | Options |
Align | Left, Right, Center |
Valign | Top, Middle, Bottom |
Background | The location of an image |
Border | A number for the border width |
Bgcolor | A background colour for the table |
Cellpadding | A number that sets the space inside a table cell |
Cellspacing | A number that sets the space between table cells |
Height | The height of a table or cell |
Colspan | The number of columns you want to span |
Rowspan | The number of rows you want to span |
Width | The width of a table or cell |
Main Form Tags | Comments |
Form | Create a HTML form |
Name | Add a name for your form |
Method | Select a method, GET or POST |
Action | Say where the form should be sent |
Input | Create a HTML form element |
Type | Select a type of form element |
Label | Add a label for a form element |
Value | A value for your form elements |
Input Types | Comments |
Button | Create a clickable button |
Checkbox | Create a checkbox |
Hidden | Create a hidden form element |
Image | Specify an image to be used as a button |
Password | Set up a password box |
Radio | Create a radio/option button |
Reset | Create a reset button |
Submit | Create a submit button for your forms |
Text | Create a text box |
HTML5 Form Elements and Attributes
HTML5 Form Elements | Comments and Options |
Placeholder | Placeholder text |
Required | Require an element to be filled in |
Email | Email text box |
URL | URL text box |
Number | Number spinners |
Range | Sliders with a range of numbers |
Date/Time | Date and time textbox or calendar |
Search | A search box |
Color | Colour picker |
Datalist | Used with datalists are LIST, OPTION, VALUE, LABEL |
HTML5 Video Tags | Comments |
VIDEO | The main tag to add a video |
SOURCE | Add a source attribute |
SRC | Specify where the video is |
TYPE | Add codex values |
HTML 5 Audio Tags | Comments |
AUDIO | The main tag to add audio |
SOURCE | Add a source attribute |
SRC | Specify where the video is |
TYPE | The main tag to add audio |
HTML5 Options for the Audio Tag
Audio Attributes | Values |
AUTOPLAY | true or false |
LOOP | true or false |
CONTROLS | true or false |
PRELOAD | none, auto, metadata |
Character | HTML Entity | ISO Latin-1 | Comments |
" | " | " | Double quotation mark |
' | | ' | Single quote or apostrophe |
& | & | & | Ampersand |
÷ | ÷ | ÷ | Divide symbol |
> | > | > | greater than |
< | < | < | less than |
Space | |   | Create a non-breaking space. Equates to a single tap on the keyboard spacebar |
£ | £ | £ | British Pound Sterling |
€ | € | € | Euro |
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